General Officer Transition Assistance Program (GO TAP)

The General Officer Transition Assistance Program helps Department of the Air Force senior officers prepare for retirement and plan for their transition to the civilian workforce.  Topics addressed during the program include planning for a career transition, the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), post-retirement employment considerations (ethics), establishing a value proposition for employment, resume building, interview skills, salary negotiation, LinkedIn usage, financial/income tax/estate planning, post-retirement benefits and entitlements, TRICARE medical coverage, and VA benefits.

Target Population(s)
General Officers (O-7, O-8, O-9 and 0-10), AD and AFR/ANG who qualify for AD retirement (Space-available)
Spouses of General Officer attendees (space-available)

AF/A1LG, Flatter, Inc. and various speakers

Washington, DC area (location varies)

1 week

- HAF-funded expenses: Course tuition, program materials and some meals.
- Unit-funded expenses: Lodging, partial per diem (meals not included in tuition), travel to/from course, ground transportation, misc. expenses. Spouses may attend on a space-available basis, travel expenses covered, per diem not authorized.

Pre-course Requirements/Information
General Officers are required to attend this course within two years of promotion to O-7. Participants must complete the online registration form. Participants will be provided access to the program website for course materials and information. For any questions, please contact Emily Atkins, emily.atkins@flatterinc.com.

Note: AFR General Officers who qualify for reserve retirement should attend Reserve GO TAP (contact AF/REG for additional information).